Auweld HT800 Welding Blanket


Commonly used as welding blankets and insulation linings, the HT800’s tightly woven, high tensile and high packing density satin weave pattern offers effective protection against moderate to heavy welding sparks of up to 550 °C, and intermittent sparks of higher temperature. It provides strong resistance against heat produced and reduces skin irritation caused by usual fabrics for users who are sensitive to fiber glass. Its lightweight and soft characteristics make it ideal for wrapping around all kinds of surfaces.

HT800 is used extensively in the marine, oil and gas, petrochemical and metal construction industries to reduce the overall impact temperature and to prevent burns, fires and explosions.

Ask your Auweld sales representative for coated welding blankets to avoid fiber glass allergies.


Characteristic HT800
Model Code 53108050
Length x Width (m) 50.0 x 1.0
Thickness (mm) 0.8
Weight (g/m2) 870
Weave Pattern Satin
Tensile Strength (N/a strip of cloth 25×100mm) Warp ≥ 5,255
Weft ≥ 4,142
Working Temperature  (°C) 550

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